يتذكر فهداً رآه على شاشة التلفزيون،
فهدا قويا يحاصر ظبيا رضيعا
وحين دنا منه شم الحليب
فلم يفترسه

كأن الحليب يروض وحش الفلاة
"حنى الوحوش ترفض أن تفعل مثلكم وتؤذي الطفولة أيها المجرمون"


BeEF: Browser Exploitation Framework

"BeEF is the browser exploitation framework. A professional tool to demonstrate the real-time impact of XSS browser vulnerabilities. Development has focused on creating a modular structure making new module development a trivial process with the intelligence residing within BeEF. Current modules include the first public Inter-protocol Exploit, a traditional browser overflow exploit, port scanning, keylogging, clipboard theft and more." read more...

Website: http://www.bindshell.net/tools/beef

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